This Pi Lu Chun comes from the Mingshan region (China) and is similar in character to the classic Pi Leo Chun tea from Tai Hu Lake in the Suzhou area. The leaves consist of a tiny silver-green bud with young, delicate feathers inside and an undeveloped leaf.
Pi Lo Chun is one of the most famous teas in China.
The special feature of Pi-luo-chun tea cultivation is that its bushes do not grow on monoculture tea plantations as is usually the case, but are planted in extensive orchards between fruit trees. They grow under the canopies of oranges, mandarins, osmanthus, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries … Producers claim that their roots touch each other. The first young spring tea leaves ripen and are harvested when all the fruit trees growing between them blossom and fill the whole region with a sweet fragrance. This aroma is also naturally absorbed by the tea leaves, which pass it on to the tea after timely collection and proper processing.